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Temp. out of stock Conditioner Kerastase Discipline Cleansing Conditioner Curl Ideal 21,18 € 400 ml (52,95 / 1l)
-32% Temp. out of stock Kerastase K Spray à porter Effekt-Spray, flexibler Halt 16,99 € 25,00 € 150 ml (113,27 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Shampoo Kerastase Nutritive Bain Oleo-Relax glättendes Pflege-Haarbad, Shampoo 21,00 € 250 ml (84,00 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Shampoo Kerastase Specifique Bain Prevention regulierendes Haarbad, Shampoo 21,00 € 250 ml (84,00 / 1l)
-22% Temp. out of stock Kerastase Densifique Densimorphose, Pflege-Mousse 21,18 € 27,00 € 150 ml (141,20 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Haarkonzentrat Kerastase Reflection Touche Chromatique Cool Brown 21,18 € 10 ml (2.118,00 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Haarkonzentrat Kerastase Reflection Touche Chromatique Copper 21,18 € 10 ml (2.118,00 / 1l)
-15% Temp. out of stock Shampoo Kerastase Elixir Ultime Oleo-Complexe reinigendes Haarbad auf Ölbasis, Shampoo 19,45 € 23,00 € 250 ml (77,80 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Shampoo Kerastase Aura Botanica Bain Micellaire Riche 37,78 € 1000 ml (37,78 / 1l)
-20% Temp. out of stock Shampoo Kerastase Discipline Bain Fluidealiste, Shampoo 16,74 € 21,00 € 250 ml (66,96 / 1l)
-21% Temp. out of stock Spray-Conditioner Kerastase Discipline Fluidissime Anti-Frizz-Pflegespray 18,24 € 23,00 € 150 ml (121,60 / 1l)
-3% Temp. out of stock Maske Kerastase Discipline Fondant Fluidedealiste 59,62 € 61,50 € 1000 ml (59,62 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Shampoo Kerastase Resistance Bain Force Architecte Strengthening Shampoo 40,65 € 1000 ml (40,65 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Shampoo Kerastase Specifique Bain Riche Dermo-Calm Shampoo 40,65 € 1000 ml (40,65 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Shampoo Kerastase Specifique Bain Vital Dermo-Calm Shampoo 40,65 € 1000 ml (40,65 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Shampoo Kerastase Specifique Bain Anti-Pelliculaire Shampoo 40,65 € 1000 ml (40,65 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Shampoo Kerastase Nutritive Bain Satin 1 Irisome Shampoo 40,65 € 1000 ml (40,65 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Maske Kerastase Reflection Masque Chromatique Fine Hair 27,78 € 200 ml (138,90 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Shampoo Kerastase Specifique Bain Anti-Pelliculaire Shampoo 18,87 € 250 ml (75,48 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Set Kerastase Nutritive 50th anniversary, Geschenkbox 39,00 € 1 Set (39,00 / 1 Set)
-5% Temp. out of stock Shampoo Kerastase Nutritive Bain Satin 2 Irisome Shampoo 39,89 € 42,00 € 1000 ml (39,89 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Shampoo Kerastase Nutritive Bain Magistral Fundamental nutrition shampoo 36,89 € 1000 ml (36,89 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Conditioner Kerastase Nutritive Fondant Magistral Fundamental nutrition care 21,18 € 200 ml (105,90 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Shampoo Kerastase Resistance Bain Therapiste Balm-in-shampoo 16,74 € 250 ml (66,96 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Haarmaske Kerastase Reflection Chroma Captive, Masque color treated hair 37,00 € 200 ml (185,00 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Kerastase Resistance Masque Force Architecte, Pflege-Maske 37,00 € 200 ml (185,00 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Kerastase Reflection Chroma Thermique Thermo-Shine, Glanzpflege 31,00 € 150 ml (206,67 / 1l)
-25% Temp. out of stock Haarfarbe Kerastase Reflection Touche Chromatique Rouge Red 21,18 € 28,30 € 10 ml (2.118,00 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Haarcreme Kerastase Nutritive Creme Magistrale Creme Balm 22,63 € 150 ml (150,87 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Creme Kerastase Nutritive Nectar Thermique Glanzgebende Pflege-Creme 23,77 € 150 ml (158,47 / 1l)
-8% Temp. out of stock Kerastase Elixir Ultime Oleo-Complexe + Rose Millenaire, Schönheitspflege 33,99 € 37,00 € 125 ml (271,92 / 1l)
-16% Temp. out of stock Kerastase Elixir Ultime Metamorph'oil, Ölbalsam 20,89 € 25,00 € 150 ml (139,27 / 1l)
Temp. out of stock Conditioner Kerastase Reflection Chroma Captive, Intensiv-Pflege 27,00 € 200 ml (135,00 / 1l)
-22% Temp. out of stock Kerastase Resistance Volumifique, Pflegespray 21,18 € 27,00 € 125 ml (169,44 / 1l)